The Art of the To Do List - Yes it is an art!
/So much to do and so little time! To do lists can end up being a black hole of tasks or even worse a source of stress once you realize you are on page 2 of your legal pad!
Some tricks to get your list streamlined, visually appealing, providing instant gratification and organized!
Size Matters - You can start with the legal pad but I’m going to recommend you downsize to a post-it (phone posit) or index card. Use your legal pad to hash it all out but then get your list down for the week or better yet the next 3 days.
Prioritize - I use a 1, 2, 3, system that’s a take on the Covey Time Management Grid. 1- HIGH priority must get done today/ASAP; 2- Medium priority - nice if I can get it done today but okay if it’s in the next day or so; 3- Low priority - it can get done this week but not a must for today. This works only if you’re consistent with the priorities and make sure you set deadlines for your 2’s and 3’s not just your 1’s to ensure you complete them and they don’t linger on your list.
Status Check - Sometimes things get stuck on your list so I use a P with a circle to note movement but it’s “pending”. If it’s not completed by day’s end I move it to the next day’s list.
Rewrite - Check it off or have a schedule shift... rewrite and re-prioritize for the next day
Want to learn more about making a list work for you? Check out my mini-course on Skillshare. You’re guaranteed to get more done and get things moving! The Art of Getting Stuff Done - The List!