Change is hard....yikes!


Change has always been my least favorite thing.....l curl up like a turtle in their shell when I think about it. It's an old, well worn habit that I'm slowly unraveling. I think for me change often equates to fear- of the unknown, of failure,  of all the things that could go wrong (vs. right). 

I've a new relationship with change. I've invited that fear in and we've been getting to know one another quite well. I have seen fear of change is burdened with carrying old views of myself, untrusting, unbelieving in my ability, my worthiness and my strength. I've taken each package and examined it, tested for in real proof (examples of any of this being true)...and I've found this brilliant truth- it's not true! All the data points in the direction that I thrive in change....I'm curious, land on my feet, have found my way to the mot amazing things, moments and people via change. 

So now that I know what's wrapped up in this initial hesitation to change, I've found there's another way to step into transitions and change- it can be wide-eyed with excitement, openness and ease. 

I know that might sound crazy but there's so much freedom in knowing and it's an achievable pursuit to learn to embrace change. If the sitting with fear sounds way too hard (I get it) then maybe it’s just taking time to live in the change you might be wishing, hoping or dreaming of that seems too big, scary (fill in your fear or hesitation).

So today I share an invitation with you to spend a tiny bit of time with your fear of what’s next, your future self or hesitation to transitions or change. I've setup a 3-day supported journey for just this in being able to see your future self. 

  • 3 days, 3 emails and so much support and goodness for you to find your freedom and maybe even joy in the change you're seeking.

  • I share with you meditation, music, prompts and reflections to hold space for you and your future (and that pesky friend fear) to meet.

  • Journey begins this Monday (signup before Monday AM)!

Wishing you courage, kindness and grace for self and trust that you can flip the script on change and make it work to build your future your way. 

I'm with you. It's tough but we can do it together.  




PS- Want more invites to your future you and some inspiration along the way? Sign-up for my Friday notes!