Practicing Presence & Trail Maintenance (yes, really it relates)

It’s been a minute but I’ve been digging deep into holding the line on staying present. So what has that meant lately….getting up early to have time to go slow, wake up with the sun…..get present each day. That takes time, time that I’m choosing to offer to myself….no rushing into and out but time to be here.

It’s meant getting really, really comfortable with being uncomfortable about setting boundaries on my time and attention. Time blocking yes, but also negotiating what’s needed and when and also where I’ll be and when and for how long and sometimes negotiating shorter times or reschedules.

It’s meant paying close attention to the spaces I’m in and the energy there and what I’m bringing to the space and when it feels like I can’t be present and making it okay to leave.

It’s meant a lot of grace and owning that I’m refilling just like my favorite trail that’s partially closed for revegetation and maintenance…..yes that’s me too! Where do I get that sign?

So my invitations to you are what needs time to regrow, replenish and what conditions are needed for this to happen? Go slower? More time? What do you need to get present…really present? Tuned in. Eyes open. Here. It might feel a bit odd, uncomfortable or even down right frightening but what experiment or inquiry is calling to you….yes go there.

And lastly what permission do you need? What voice do you need to address to remind yourself it’s okay to change the pace, to set the boundary and to take the time to get whole, healed and present. That’s where the brilliance lives.